Summertime Classroom Refresh

Happy summer everyone! I hope you have been enjoying yours thus far - if you're a teacher, I know you have been! 

So, next year I am teaching sixth grade so I have been giving quite a lot of thought to how to re-design my third grade classroom to look like a sixth grade classroom.  

One area I have given a lot of focus to is my classroom library.  Of course, my books needed to be updated.  But my stepdad also built me a wonderful bench for my library.

So I'm thinking I might need a new rug to brighten up the space, since mine is woefully small and was purchased for $4 at a yard sale.

Option 1: 

A nice boho geometric pattern rug.  It's blue and white so it matches the bulk of my pots that I have plants in and the background of my bulletin board, which is a blue and white batik type pattern.  There are also blues in the map fabric I have on my chair and on the cushion of my library bench.  

Option 2: 

A more modern rug with the turquoise that is in accents in my classroom, baskets, and globes.

Option 3: 

Did I mention I love globes? This one is definitely on theme for my classroom - though maybe on the small side.

So what do you think? And what are you updating in your classroom this summer?


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